Who We Are


We are a group of thousands of community members in Bucks County, PA, who believe that the excessive response to the COVID-19 pandemic is unwarranted and harmful.

We come from all walks of life, and are bonded by our shared desire to carry on with life as normal despite the exaggerated risks associated with doing so.

What We Do


Our focus is always on real-world impact. We advocate for local businesses. We organize social events such as family picnics, happy hours, and play dates. We run our own sports leagues. We host holiday celebrations, and so much more.

Bottom line: we don’t wait for life to go back to normal. We make it normal ourselves.

Get Involved


If you’re ready to reclaim your life and move on from the hysteria, then please join us on Facebook. From there you can join the discussion or come out to our various old-normal events throughout Bucks County.

Wherever you are on your journey back to normalcy, we welcome you to share that journey with us!

What Do We Stand For?

We do NOT believe COVID to be a hoax. We believe it to be a particularly nasty cold, maybe 2-5 times more deadly than an average influenza. We recognize that COVID is a tragedy that has taken many lives and caused widespread suffering.

We believe that governments, instituted by the people, have NO right to choose which businesses are essential and which ones aren’t. To each family in the community, their business IS essential. We reject any government restrictions on businesses or people.

We believe that children are being unnecessarily deprived of their childhood. We take a very active approach to advocating for children, from liberating playgrounds of caution tape to coordinating pressure against school districts.

Our most controversial position by far is our anti-mask position. This position is NOT based solely on the inefficacy of masks. It’s based predominantly on the fact that masks propagate fear amongst the general public and tear down the social bonds that keep us connected.

We started this group hoping to be non-partisan. Unfortunately, the issue has become severely politicized and that reality is unavoidable. We support political candidates and office-holders who oppose mandates and restrictions.

The philosophical underpinning of all our positions is the belief that human dignity must be preserved.  Living life is so much more than just avoiding death.  We’re all capable of making fundamental decisions for ourselves.

Recent Blog Posts

No. Make Me.

By |May 22nd, 2021|

A year ago, we stumbled into how to “win” the games our bureaucrats play, and in the intervening months it’s become obvious that it’s not just one way, it’s the

Dandelion Seeds

By |May 1st, 2021|

When you’re 4, and your world has never been anything but normal, you meander around picking dandelions before your weekly soccer game. You present the “pretty” yellow ones to your

The ReOpen Bucks Creed

By |April 17th, 2021|

I’ve been thinking about our group identity, and the beliefs that unify us. I bring you a distillation of those ideas as I see them — The ReOpen Bucks Creed

The Science™ Series

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