As of Tuesday, June 1, 2021, students in Pennsylvania can legally return to the classroom without a mask. Here’s why: recent CDC COVID-19 intervention guideline changes, combined with the March 17, 2021 update from the Pennsylvania Department of Health (PA DoH) enable your child to return to the classroom without a mask starting on Tuesday, June 1, 2021.

In the fall of 2020, PA school districts in counties that were in the “Substantial” range as defined by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) were required to sign an Attestation Form in order to use instructional models that deviated from the PDE’s Low/Moderate/Substantial scale. For example, if a county was in the Substantial range, the only instructional model permitted was ‘full remote learning model” aka virtual. However, if the school district signed the attestation form, they could open for in-person instruction.

This attestation form becomes null and void on May 31, 2021, per a May 4, 2021 PDE announcement or earlier if the county was in the Moderate or Low phase for two weeks. The attestation form required more rigorous compliance with the PA DoH universal masking order.

With the attestation process no longer applicable, COVID-19 guidelines revert to the updated PA DoH Order which incorporates the latest CDC guidance and permits exceptions. Section 3 of the Order exempts a student from wearing a mask or face shield in school “If wearing a face covering would either cause a medical condition, or exacerbate an existing one, including respiratory issues that impede breathing, a mental health condition or a disability.” Therefore, because wearing a mask causes respiratory issues that impede breathing, students under this exception are no longer required to wear a mask or face shield.

Many school districts have struggled to understand and adapt to the ever-changing guidelines from various federal, state, and local governments. Therefore, they may not fully understand the implications of the attestation form expiration and that it makes mask wearing optional masking for students.

However, some Pennsylvania districts have anticipated this impending change and are already preemptively making masks optional starting June 1. This includes Rockwood Area, Cumberland Valley, Northern York County and Montoursville Area School Districts.

Parents who wish to pursue this exception are strongly encouraged to contact their school principal to notify them of their child’s status before they appear in school on Tuesday without a mask. No exemption form is required, although you may choose to submit one, and the Order specifically states that the medical exemption reason need not be disclosed. This notice provides the district time to properly notify school administration of the valid lack of face covering, avoiding a potentially uncomfortable situation for your child. If your school district does require a written notice, use this form.

May 4 PDE Announcement

Department of Health Updates Mask Guidance Following CDC Announcement

Order of the Acting Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Health Amending the November 17, 2020 Order of the Secretary of Health